Rochester Brainery
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- 2019 Holiday Gift Guide
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- advice
- advice blog
- alliance francaise
- Allie Duffney
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- alyssa deal
- alyssa priddy
- Alyssa Whitfield
- amanda adas
- amanda falzone
- Amber Dutcher
- Amber Odhner
- Amy Bonner Oliveri
- andrea bonawitz
- Andrea Durfee
- Anna Vos
- Annie Adams
- April
- Archetypes
- Architecture
- aroma therapy
- Aromantium
- aromatherapy
- art
- Art Education
- Art Gallery
- Art Journaling
- art supplies
- art therapy
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- Artist playlist
- artist spotlight
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- Baby Shower
- baby shower venues
- baby shower venues rochester ny
- Backroads
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- Bakery
- Bakeshop
- Baking
- Bar
- Bar Bantam
- bar tools
- Baumans Market
- bausch and lomb
- Bazaar
- Be Kind Rewind
- Bead Breakout
- Beads 'N Things
- Beans
- Beauty
- Beer
- bhakti
- Birthday
- birthday party venues rochester ny
- Black Button Distilling
- Black Cats
- Blog
- Blogger
- blogging
- blogs
- body shape
- Body Spray
- Book arts
- Boomtown Table
- Brain Music
- brain music ep. 27
- Brain Music Ep. 28
- Brain Music Episode 10
- Brain Music Episode 18
- Brain Music Episode 19
- Brain Music Episode 20
- Brain Music Episode 21
- brain music episode 22
- brain music episode 23
- Brain Music Episode 24
- Brain Music Episode 25
- Brain Music Episode 26
- Brain Music Episode 3
- Brain Music Episode 4
- Brain Music Episode 5
- Brain Music Episode Three
- Brain Music Playlist
- Brainbar
- BrainBlogger
- Brainery
- Brainery Bazaar
- BrainMusic
- BrainMusic Ep 12
- Braniery Bazaar
- Brian Staebell
- bridal
- bridal show
- bridal shower
- Bridal Shower Photos
- Bridal Shower Venue Rochester
- bridal shower venues near rochester ny
- bride
- britain
- Brush Calligraphy
- budget wedding
- Buffalo
- Buffalo NY
- Building
- Bus
- business
- business growth
- cake
- cake decorating
- Calligraphers
- Calligraphy
- candles
- Canon Camera
- Capsule Wardrobe
- Cara Livermore
- Cards
- career
- Career and Technical Education
- Career Development
- carnival
- Carving
- catering
- Catherine Costanza
- Catherine Rising
- cathrin manning
- Cause
- ceramics
- chalk
- challenge
- Charity
- Chickpea
- Chickpea Magazine
- Chloe du Plessis
- chocolate
- chocolate truffles
- Chocolatier
- christie nesbit
- Christine Dionese
- Cinema
- class
- class photos
- Class pIcks
- class recap
- Class round up
- Class Round-Up
- class spotlight
- Classes
- clean
- closet
- Clothing
- Cobblestone School of Rochester
- cocktail revival
- cocktails
- cocktails at home
- coffee shop
- colburn creative
- collage
- color
- comedian
- Comedy
- comedy career
- Community
- Community Development
- Community learning
- Community Outreach
- community playlist
- community-building
- Conference
- Conservation
- cook
- Cookie Decorating
- cooking
- cooking instructor
- Corn Hill Arts Festival
- cory orourke
- cory orourke studio
- Couple Photos
- courtney craig
- cozy
- Craft
- Craft show
- Crafting
- Crafty
- crafty weekend
- creative
- creative writing
- Cris Van Grol
- crops
- culinary arts
- Culinary Institute of America
- cultural group
- Cure
- Cure Childhood Cancer Association
- Dan's Craft and Things
- dandelions
- Date
- Date Night
- Dating
- david levinthal
- decor
- design
- designer
- diy ceremony decor
- diy crafts
- DIY floral
- diy gifts
- diy invitations
- DIY Recipes
- diy wedding
- doing good
- Donations
- Downtown Rochester
- Dowsing
- Dr. Jennifer Rhodes
- Dress for Success
- dried flowers
- drink making
- dry flowers
- DSLR photogrpahy
- Dual Brush
- Earthworks Institute
- East Avenue Historic District
- east coast toast truck
- eastman school of music
- eastman theatre
- easy recipes
- Eat Me
- Eat Me Ice Cream
- eco friendly
- editing
- Education
- El Sauce
- Elaina DeBoard
- emily bellinger
- emily lynch
- Emily Nunn
- Emily Putnam
- emma rizzo
- Engagement Photogrpaher
- Environment
- environmentalism
- Ephraim Gebre
- Erin Dougherty
- Essential oil
- essential oils
- Evan Lowenstein
- Event
- event space
- event space renral
- event space rental rochester ny
- Event Space Rochester
- Expert
- explore rochester
- eye tracking
- Fabrics and Finding
- Fairport Canal Days
- Fall
- Fall Activities
- fall classes
- fall craft
- Fall Crafts
- fall drinks
- Fall Playlist
- fall recipes
- Fall Traditions
- family friendly
- Family Photography
- Family Portraits
- farm tour
- farming
- Fashion
- fast forward
- Fast Forward Film Festival
- Father's Day
- Fatigue
- favorites
- Featured artist
- february brainery bazaar
- female musicians
- fiber arts
- film festival
- film photography
- Fiorella
- First Friday
- five fun classes
- floral arrangements
- flower arrangements
- Flower City
- Flower City Bitties
- Flower City Drinksmiths
- flower crowns
- flower farm
- Flowercrowns
- Flowers
- Flowerwell
- fonts
- Food
- food and drink
- food classes
- food education
- food truck
- food trucks
- Food Vendor
- for the free inc
- french
- Friends
- From the Group Up Fashion Show
- Fruition Seeds
- Fun
- fundraiser
- fundraising
- Galentine's Day
- galleries
- Gallery
- Gallery Artist
- gallery room
- gallery room artist
- Gandy Dancer
- gardening
- garment district
- gcler
- GEM workshop
- Genesee Beer
- genesee three
- geneseo
- Genius
- George Eastman Museum
- get nekkid
- gift
- gift guide
- gifts
- girl band
- Girls Night Out
- Gods-n-Gladiators
- good business
- Graduation
- Grammar
- grammar rules
- grammar tips
- Green Room
- Gretchen Meyers
- Grupo Cultural Latinos En Rochester
- Guatemala
- Guest Post
- Hacks
- Hair
- Hair Stylist
- Halloween
- Halloween Activities
- Halloween Crafts
- Halloween entertainment
- Halloween Facts
- Halloween Music
- Hanalin Designs
- hand dying
- hand lettering
- Handmade
- handmade gifts
- Hannah
- hannah brook smith
- Happy New Year
- hardwear
- harts local grocers
- Health
- Health and Wellness
- health coach
- Healthy
- healthy eating
- healthy living
- healthy recipes
- healthy sweets
- Heather Swenson
- hebrew
- Henna
- Henna Classes
- Henna tattoos
- Henrietta
- herbalism
- herbology
- herbs
- hickey freeman
- Hiram Sibley
- Historic
- history
- History Happy Hour
- history mingle
- Hitch and Cord
- holiday
- Holiday Bazaar
- holiday gifts
- holiday hair
- Holiday Help
- holiday ready
- holiday recipes
- Holiday Tips
- Holistic
- Holy Sepulchre Cemetery
- Home
- Home Decor
- Home Goods
- homemade products
- Honey
- Honey Brook
- honey dew events
- Honeybees
- House
- how to
- Howling Monkey Guitar Picks
- hygge
- Ideas
- Ilana Griffo
- Image classes
- Image Consulting
- imaging
- Improv
- improv career
- improv class
- improv classes
- incubator
- indigo
- Inernational Education
- infographic
- Inspiraration
- inspiration
- Inspirational
- inspirational playlist
- inspire
- Interior Design
- intern
- interns
- internship
- internships
- interview
- introduction
- intuition
- Ivy Thimble Quilt Shop
- Jacalyn Meyvis
- Jack The Ripper
- Jack's Day
- jaclyn mellone
- jade and stone design
- jazz guitarist
- Jenny Rae
- Jessica Guckian
- Jewelry
- jewelry maker
- Jewelry Making
- Jill Taft
- joke writing
- jokes
- journal making
- july
- June Brainery Bazaar
- June Classes
- Just Terrific
- Karen Messina
- Karen Messina Life Coaching
- katboocha
- kate cassels
- Kayla Carpitella
- Kelly Place
- Kelsey
- Kelsey Schmid
- Kelsey Schmid Art
- Kids Classes
- Kim Best
- KIMBESTcreative
- Knife Skills
- Knitters on a Mission
- Knitting
- knowledge
- Kodak
- kombucha
- Kristina Kaiser
- Landmark Society
- lanni maszerowski
- Laura Cott
- Laura Seymour
- Lauren harrison
- Le Petit Poutine
- leadership
- leading
- learn french rochester
- Learning
- Learning Collective
- leather
- leather goods
- Let's Bead
- Letterers
- Lettering
- LGBTQ+ rights
- library
- light tomorrow today
- light tomorrow with today
- Lindsay Lau
- Lindsay Stephany Photography
- Linsday Stephany Photography
- liquor
- Lisa Wagner
- list
- listicle
- living fearless
- living roots
- living roots rochester
- local
- Local art
- local artist
- local artist spotlight
- Local artists
- Local business
- local businesses
- Local Cookies
- Local drinks
- local flowers
- local food
- Local Market
- local musicians
- local photographer
- local playlist
- Local products
- Local shopping
- Local Spotlight
- local wine
- locally grown
- Lora Downie
- Lost Bird Project
- Louelle Design Studio
- love light etc
- Lucends
- Lucinda Snyder
- luminate
- Mackenzie
- Mackenzie Piccareto
- Mackenzie's Table
- Macrame
- magazine
- maggie humberstone
- maggie klee
- mainstage
- Maker
- Makers
- Makers Buffalo
- Makeup
- Mamie Taylor Cocktail
- marilynne lipshutz
- Marisa Krol
- marketing
- marshmellow
- marshmellows
- mask making
- masks
- Maternity Photography
- Maya Rook
- Meditation
- Megan Mack
- Memorial Art Gallery
- men's clothing
- men's yoga
- Mentoring
- metal
- metal artist
- metal jewelry
- Metalsmithing
- metalworking
- michala schram
- Michelle Testa
- microsmithing
- Mind/Matter Gallery
- Missionary
- Mocktails
- Moonrise Kingdom
- Movies
- Movies With A Downtown View
- Mr. Paper
- museums
- Music
- music blog
- music education
- music therapy
- nail care
- nails
- natalie sinisgalli
- natural nail care
- Nature
- Nazareth College
- Nazareth College Theatre and Dance
- Neighborhood of the Arts
- nekkid
- New World Birding
- New Year
- New York
- News
- nextcorps
- Nick Foos
- nicole
- nicole christian
- nicole langford
- Nikki Willis
- Niraj Lama
- non-profit
- nostalgia
- not-for-profit
- Nox Cocktail
- Nunn's Better Cookies
- nut butters
- October
- off-site classes
- Oil paint
- Olivia Bauso
- optics
- organic
- Outdoor Classes
- Outdoor Movie
- Outside
- Owl Post Lettering
- Paige Moreland
- Paint
- Painting
- Paintings
- paper
- paper art
- paper crafts
- Paper goods
- paper making
- paper quilling
- Parlour Salon
- partnership
- party venue
- party venue rental rochester ny
- party venues in rochester ny
- party venues rochester ny
- pastries
- Pastry Chef
- PathStone
- Patricia Fabric House
- Peach Rose Studio
- Pegs Hardware
- Pendulum
- personality tests
- Pet Portraits
- Petra Page-Mann
- photo
- Photo Blog
- Photo Journalism
- photographer
- Photographers
- Photography
- Photogrpahy
- photonics
- photos
- pickles
- Piera Carubia
- pillow
- pinterest categories
- pinterest DIY
- pinterest food & drink
- pinterest wedding
- pistil and pollen
- Places to Go
- places to work
- Plant Mom
- plant-based
- Plants
- play readings
- playlist
- poetry
- Pollination
- Pony Express
- Pop-Up Shop
- Portrait Sessions
- positive science
- Pour Coffee Parlor
- Predisposed Vintage
- preservation
- printmaking
- Prints
- prizes
- products
- profile
- Programming
- Public Market
- public transportation
- Pumpkin carving
- pumpkin earrings
- pumpkin jewelry
- Pumpkins
- Pure Sole
- Pure Sole Nails
- quick pickling
- quick recipes
- Quilled Creations
- quilts
- Rachael Gootnick
- Rachel Cordaro
- RachelLiz Photography
- Raspberry
- Rebecca Kester
- recipe
- recipes
- Reconnect Rochester
- Rental
- rental space
- rental spaces
- rental spaces rochester ny
- research
- Resolutions
- resume
- resume building
- Retail
- Review
- RIT Gallery
- Ritual Clay Co.
- Ritual Market
- Roc City Henna
- Roc Girl Gang
- Roc Transit Day
- Rochester
- rochester architecture
- Rochester Art Supply
- Rochester artist
- rochester artists
- Rochester Arts
- rochester brainer
- Rochester Brainery
- rochester brainery bridal
- Rochester Brainery Updates
- rochester brainery weddings
- Rochester Brainey
- rochester buildings
- rochester businesses
- Rochester Ceramics
- Rochester Classes
- Rochester Cocktail Revival
- rochester cocktails
- rochester drinks
- rochester flowers
- Rochester gallery
- Rochester Gifts
- rochester hand letterer
- rochester history
- rochester hygge
- rochester improv classes
- rochester indie weddings
- rochester jewelry
- Rochester Local Halloween Activities
- Rochester NY
- rochester photography
- rochester rock shop
- Rochester Summer
- rochester weddings
- rochester yoga
- ROCtheShot
- rod coleman
- Rohrbachs
- Rosa Davila
- RTS Buses
- Sable College of Mechanical Arts
- safe
- Sale
- Salena's
- Salon
- San Diego
- Sara Kozak
- sarah
- sarah klingenberger
- saturday class
- Scavenger Hunt
- School Of The Arts
- Scott Randall
- Scratch Bake Shop
- scratch bakeshop
- search engine optimization
- seasonal activity
- seasonal craft
- Second City
- Second Saturday
- Secondhand
- self actualization
- self help
- Sew Creative
- Share
- Shelby Beyler
- Shibori
- Shop
- Shop local
- shopping local
- Sibley Mansion
- Small Business Saturday
- small businesses
- Small Towns
- Small wedding
- social
- social history
- social justice
- social media
- Social Media Conference
- softwear
- soul
- soy candles
- space rental
- special event venues rochester ny
- Special Events Rochester
- Spectrum
- Spectrum Creative Arts
- Spirits
- Sponsorship
- Spotift Playlist
- Spotify
- spotlight
- spring
- Squash
- Squirrel Garden Goods
- Stamps
- start a class
- steel
- steve carter
- StoryChick
- Storytelling
- Stress Management
- Strive For Five
- student
- student reviews
- studio
- Study Abroad
- style
- style consultant
- Sugar
- Sugar and Type
- summer
- Summer Camp
- SUNY Brockport
- SUNY Geneseo
- Survival Skills
- susan b. anthony
- Sushi
- Sweet Beez
- Sweet Beez Inc.
- Tagua
- tailor
- tailored clothing
- Talks
- Tarot
- tasting
- tasting menu
- Tea
- Teacher
- teacher advice
- Teacher Highlight
- Teacher interview
- Teacher Interviews
- Teacher Spotlight
- Teachers
- teaching
- tech company
- technology
- TEDXFlourCity
- Telegraph
- Texas
- textile art
- textiles
- thanksgiving recipes
- The Adorned Studios
- The Art Stop
- The Art Store
- The Bhakti Collective
- The Botanist
- The Botanist Rochester
- The College at Brockport
- the daily refresher
- The Little Theatre
- The Rochesteriat
- The Village Yarn & Fiber Shop
- the yards
- The Yarn Source
- theater
- Theater and Dance
- things to do in rochester
- This Good World
- Tiny Ruby Designs
- tips
- toast
- Todd McGrain
- top 20
- tote bag
- tour
- Tracy Martorana
- Traditions
- transit
- Transit Apparel
- transplanting
- transplants
- Transportation
- Travel
- Traveling
- tricks
- trio
- Typography
- Uncategorized
- unspooky laughter
- unspookylaughter
- Upcoming Classes
- Upstate Social Sessions
- UpstateSocial15
- US
- Utah
- valentine's day
- valentine's day ideas
- Vanity Fair
- Vegan Cheese
- vegan food
- vegan recipes
- vendor
- vendor blog
- vendor spotlight
- Vendors
- Venue
- vic juris
- Vignelli Center for Design Studies
- vignette
- Village Gate
- Vincent Van Gogh
- Vintage
- Visit Rochester
- visual storytelling
- Volunteering
- walking tour
- wall hanging
- Wardrobe
- wardrobe classes
- watercolor
- watercolor artist
- watercolor lettering
- Watercolor Painting
- Weaving
- wedding
- wedding cermony
- wedding on a budget
- Wedding Photogrpahy
- Weddings
- weird history
- wellness
- Wes Anderson
- Western NY
- What A Crafty Weekend
- Whistle Stop Dinners
- Whistle-Stop Dinner
- Wholebytes
- Wilderness
- will cornfield
- Wine
- wine making
- wine stomping
- winery
- winter
- winter cocktails
- winter recipe
- winter wonderland
- Women Supporting Women
- women's rights
- women's sufferage
- wood artist
- woodworking
Teacher Spotlight: Amy Bonner Oliveri
With her classes, Amy Bonner Oliveri hopes to offer a moment where people can stop consuming and see where painting can take them.
Four Facts about Local Artist Kate Cassels
You probably know her as a co-owner of Scratch Bakeshop, but here are a few fun facts you may not know about Kate Cassels.
Examining Andrea Durfee’s “Archetypes”
Art is often defined as a creative process—the process of rendering one’s own original and imaginative visions into a physical, tangible, and visual medium. However, art simply cannot be defined...