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Teacher Spotlight: Takemura Aiko

Teacher Spotlight: Takemura Aiko

Building a Home
By Takemura Aiko
Life is hard!  Stuff in our lives,  regardless of where we are and what we do on daily basis, surely gets us out of our comfort zone at some point.  That’s just how life is.  At the end of the day, we come home and take a deep breath in.  Or not!  What if our home is chaotic?  What do we count on then?  Things?  People?  Money?  What makes us feel at ease?  What make us feel safe and protected?  We are all stressed out because we have feelings of fear, despair, frustration and sadness.  We are so dependent on what happens to us.  Are we meeting our needs met?  Am I enough for this person and that?  Did I do a good job and make my supervisor proud?  Etc, etc...


Naturally,  it would be good idea  to think about where to find our safe haven.  Can our home be that?  What about good relationships?  If I only had a husband who is reliable!!! Or I could say that upcoming vacation to Caribbean would surely cure the stress I am feeling in my back.   Wait a minute, but that’s all external stuff.  Does that mean that I have to count on other things to make me less stressed and relaxed?  What if I never get a good husband or a great job?  What if I can’t afford that vacation?  Then what?

Many things in lives are not in our control.  People come, people go.  Things break and we get new things.  The older I get, the more precious life becomes because we learn that nothing lasts forever.  We learn to let things go and let life be.  As we let go of things and people, we realize one things that is constant: I.

I am never going to leave me behind.  “I” is the only thing I’ve go to work with here in this lifetime.  And finding the peace within is the only way to feeling at home, all the time, no matter what.

So I keep going with a big smile on my face because nothings and no one could take my “home” away from me.
Takemura will be teaching “Managing and Reducing Stress Through Meditation and Movement” on Monday, July 8th from 7:00-9:00pm. Check it out here!
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