This is Brain Music: a selection of songs curated monthly by different members of the Rochester community that we hope will inspire you the same way it inspires its curator. Today, we bring you a playlist curated by teacher and maker David Lane. Without further ado, here's Brain Music Episode 32.
Photo by Julia Merrell
Hello! Thinking about summer this time of year, it seems like it is so far away. So, music presents a great opportunity to get the vibe started. My set list is kind of a throw back to the 90’s when summer to me meant lazy days and simple pleasures. I think sounds and music, more so than any other sense, can bring you back to a time and place where you lived a different life or in a different place.
Photo by Julia Merrell
I use music as a motivator for days in the studio. Even though I really do like my studio and working with leather, there are definitely times when getting things going is a challenge. I will often start my day with something loud like AC/DC or ZZ Top when I sharpen my blades or prep my studio (aka: clean up the mess from my last work day). Classic rock is a wonderful motivator and can give you a shot of adrenaline which is great when your day starts at 5:00am or 11:00pm.
Photo by Julia Merrell
Because I work with leather and the material is precious to me, I like to slow things down so once I have my space cleaned up and tools prepped. I typically switch over to jazz. Eddie Harris and Les Mcann’s Swiss Movement album is absolutely worth a full listen. It’s great from start to finish and up there with Paul Simons Graceland album in terms of performance and start to finish perfection. When you are cutting leather there is definitely a rhythm to it that bodes well with jazz. Measure twice, cut once kind of thing.
Photo by Julia Merrell
I have a deep love of 90’s hip hop and if I had to pick on genre of music to get stuck with, that would be it. There are so many great albums, artists and songs that were made throughout the 90’s and early 2000’s. Once I am done cutting patterns and remeasuring, pieces begin to take shape. The next few steps are gluing, creasing, sanding and punching stitch holes since we sew all of our pieces by hand. I like to have music that has a bit more speed and funk to it. Head nod music is the best. It helps keep you moving and working through pieces stitch by stitch. I think there is no better music than 90’s hip hop.
Photo by Julia Merrell
The process of leather working is very therapeutic and monotonous in a great way—and I like music that harmonizes with that process.
- David