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Brain Music Episode 21: Kristina Kaiser

Brain Music Episode 21: Kristina Kaiser


There's no doubt that finding the perfect playlist can motivate and inspire you. Whether it's finishing the last mile of your run, tackling that laundry you've been putting off, or getting you through your workday, tunes can change everything. So let's motivate and inspire each other, shall we?

This is Brain Music: a selection of songs curated monthly by different members of the Rochester community that we hope will inspire you the same way it inspires its curator.

Today we bring you a playlist from visual artist, Yards Director, museum professional and our very own Event Coordinator, Kristina Kaiser. Kristina's work is now hanging in our Gallery Room. She says, "For the Gallery Room showcase, I will be exhibiting works that are inspired by nature, with a few paintings that are loose abstractions of natural forms." Without further ado, Brain Music Episode 21: 
Kristina Intro

Photo by Olivia Bauso 

This playlist represents some of my favorite songs or artists. No matter my mood, I am probably ready to rock out to any one of these tunes! In my spare time I enjoy being outside, going for a run or taking some time to work on my yoga practice. Most of my works in visual art are based on found materials, such as paned glass windows, paint, and patterns, such as lace. Currently, I am working on completing a series of paintings that are inspired by my recent trip to Arizona. 


Kristina In Studio

Photo by Olivia Bauso 

Recently I have gone through some pretty significant life changes and I am working to find a new balance within myself. Both music and art help me to work through the moments when life seems a little bit too chaotic. This playlist represents just a few of the songs that give me that extra boost. Music has this unique ability to surge energy through you and lift you out of an unpleasant place! These songs give me the focus to run that extra mile, work a bit harder and fight for the things I am passionate about. In learning to refocus my energy on myself I can see a shift in the direction of my artwork.  I plan to focus more heavily on subjects that have a spiritual significance or healing qualities, such as herbs, flowers, and crystals. 


Kristina with art

Photo by Olivia Bauso

My studio space is located within my apartment but most of my creative energy is fueled by the work that I do at The Yards Collective. I have been a member since 2012 and in this last year I officially took over as the business owner. The art community in Rochester is something I am incredibly passionate about. We have so many fabulously talented folks in our area! My mission at The Yards is to create a safe space for artists to find their voice in their practice, give them support to continue creating, and develop connections with other artists. 

- Kristina Kaiser


 You can listen to Kristina’s playlist at this link or right below:



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